I am a PhD student at the University of Verona. My research interests are quantum programming languages, in particular semantics and static analysis of quantum programming languages.
In the spring of 2024, I was a visiting researcher at Tsinghua University and Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Mingsheng Ying and in autumn and winter 2024 I visited the University of Arizona under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi.
Static analysis of quantum programs, Static Analysis: 31th International Symposium (SAS 2024), with SPLASH 24 Assolini Nicola, Di Pierro Alessandra, Mastroeni Isabella [pdf][video]
Abstracting entanglement, International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains (NSAD 24), with SPLASH 24 Assolini Nicola, Di Pierro Alessandra, Mastroeni Isabella [pdf][video]
Teaching Assistant, Quantum computing course, MSc Computer Science, University of Verona (2024 - Present)
Teaching Assistant, Foundations of Computing course, BSc Computer Science, University of Verona (2020 - 2024)
Organizer and Tutor, Cyberchallenge, University of Verona (2022 - Present)
Teaching Assistant, Compilers course (Laboratory part), BSc Computer Science, University of Verona (2022 - 2023)
Program Committee and Organizing Committee Member of Workshop on Quantum Software (WQS) 2024 and 2025
Qualified for the national competition of the CyberChallenge.IT project (2021 - 2022)
Member of a finalist team in the National Mathematics Olympics (2017)
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